About Us Data Protection
Our Commitment

Crayon Group views the protection of Personal Data and Data Privacy as more than a legal obligation; we consider personal privacy a fundamental right that we as a company have the responsibility to protect. Crayon is committed to safeguarding all Personal Data that we may process about customers, suppliers, or our employees to the best of our ability. 

We abide by all applicable national or international data privacy laws and we fully cooperate with and support any activities that aim to verify our compliance in the form of investigations and audits. We report data breaches as quickly as possible and take a result-oriented approach to effectively and efficiently resolve any issues resulting from an unintentional or unforeseen data breach. 

Our Data Privacy Principles

We apply the following seven principles when collecting and/or processing personal data:

1. Personal Data will be processed lawfully and fairly

2. Personal Data will be kept, used, or disclosed for specific and lawful purposes

3. Personal Data will be adequate and relevant, not excessive

4. Personal Data will be retained for no longer than is necessary for the purposes for which they were obtained

5. Personal Data will be accurate, complete, and up-to-date

6. Personal Data will be provided in transcript copy to individuals upon request, in line with our commitment to the law

7. Personal Data will be kept secure using technical and organizational measures, grounded in privacy by design