Data Protection Our Data Protection Officer
Contact Details Data Protection Officer

Name: Dr. Scott Richardson


Postal Address: Crayon DPO, Landsvägen 50A, 17263 Sundbyberg, Stockholm, Sweden

It is the responsibility of our Data Protection Officer (DPO) to ensure all Crayon Group companies deliver on our global Information Security and Data Protection (ISDP) commitments:

1.Protect Personal and Sensitive Data processed by Crayon with state-of-the-art security measures.

2. Facilitate Data Subjects to exercise their Privacy Rights in a service-oriented approach.

Our DPO has a group-wide mandate to rapidly implementation of any actions deemed necessary to deliver on Crayon’s ISDP commitments. He is also supported by an internal ISDP Team that consists of process analysts, technical engineers and legal advisors. In addition, each Crayon company has an assigned ISDP Network Agent(s) to ensure we provide every Data Subject, Customer, Partner and Supplier worldwide with consistent and reliable local support services.

Our DPO and the ISDP Network members work closely together to ensure we meet all our data protection obligations and continuously enhance our tools and processes, guided by Crayon’s group-wide practices and procedures, e.g.:

  • Crayon’s Data Processing Codes
  • Crayon’s Data Protection Audit Programme

For information about Crayon’s ISDP strategy and approach, please contact:

For urgent security or data protection matters, please contact our 24/7 Hotline: +47 22 89 1001