October 15, 2019; 12:00pm -12:30pm CDT Folders are the F-Word of Content Management [Webcast]: Cloud Content Management with SharePoint

Many of our customers say their biggest issues with content management are searchability, document organization, and documents lost in email. Here is how we help them:

•Build integrations between Azure and SharePoint

•Use SharePoint metadata to classify documents 

•Enable employees to search and send links

This means all your relevant documents are in one place. Your content will be easily searchable, which decreases time spent finding content. Change management strategies will enable employees to find content efficiently and eliminate versioning issues.

Crayon is currently using Cloud Content Strategies to help Hollywood change the way they make movies, a very popular ride sharing program with four million folders change the way they share content with users across the globe, and a major sports entity change the way they draft athletes. 

Learn more about Cloud Content Management today.