Intelligent Cloud Cloud Desk

Cloud Desk provides a global support ecosystem for our customers and partners with dedicated resources available to support their digital transformation requirements. The team is technology agnostic and support cloud journeys to public, hybrid, and private clouds. In adition to that, our team can also help with on premises optimization with a laser focus on customer and partner profitability.


Strategic Platform Decisions

  • Trust, minimize risk, enhance capabilities, deliver world-class SLAs
  • Examples: Azure, AWS, Alicaloud, Hybrid Clouds

Commercial & Contractual Decisions

  • Licensing models, service delivery models, and profitable commercial frameworks 
  • Examples: Cloud Solution Provider, Enterprise Agreement, Distribution Alliance

Business Model Decision

  • Clarify what success means, reach more customers, share COGS, and sell in more markets 
  • Examples: co-sell (join GTMs), sell to (as a Crayon customer), sell through (channel)