Intelligent Cloud ISV Development Centre


ar·​chi·​tec·​ture | \ˈär-kə-ˌtek-chər
: the art or science of building

Crayon helps ISVs with application modernization for the public & hybrid clouds. Scoping & assessing the infrastructure set up & requirements today and a clear understanding on what these would be to run the application from the cloud.



sup·​port | \sə-ˈpȯrt
: to promote a mutual interest

Offer a life cycle approach to our partnerships with ISVs. Covering support, operations & monitoring, leveraging our CloudIQ platform. Covering: procuring, provisioning, billing & invoicing, support & analytics (monthly reports, dashboards).



read·​i·​ness | \ˈre-dē-nəs
: the quality or state of being ready

Base the engagement on a step-by-step predictable methodology, to get ISVs on their path to growth. Sharing our know how to balance the technical & commercial aspects of the cloud journey.


op·​ti·​mi·​za·​tion | \ˌäp-tə-mə-ˈzā-shən
: making something as effective as possible

From assessing the pricing of an application in the cloud to providing insights around resizing, multitenancy, hybrid requirements. Point in time insights, as well as a managed service (value-add) to ISVs.


Managed Services

man·​age | \ˈma-nij service  ser·​vice | \ˈsər-vəs
: to handle with a high degree of skill

Integrated and holistic access to resources. These include consultants, platforms and methodologies. With the aim to deliver ongoing value to ISVs, meeting their technical, licensing, operational and cost requirements.



au·​to·​ma·​tion | \ˌȯ-tə-ˈmā-shən
: complex human-like processes powered by IT

Leverage our human talent to help ISVs with the templates, scripting, platforms; to digitally disrupt themselves. This will help ISVs focus on scalability thru automation, hence attain the goal of having a global reach.

Our Answers For You
1. What are the ISV Development Centres?

They are two things. 1) a methodology and 2) a set of resources aligned to it. A methodology with a step by step process that varies slightly, depending on “use cases” or “scenarios” faced by ISVs in their cloud journeys. This methodology is supported by both people and platforms, as resources, that engage directly with the ISVs.

2. What is the purpose of the ISV Development Centre

To engage with ISVs striking the right balance between technical and commercial requirements. Help modernize applications (from a technical perspective) and accelerate Go-To-Market (from a commercial perspective). With the goals of having a commercially viable cloud offering, compete effectively and deliver value to end customers. ISVs need to make sure that they are choosing the right cloud platforms to scale, as well as understanding the opportunities & responsibilities of delivering an application or a solution as a service (SaaS).

3. Who is responsible for taking the ISV thru the cloud journey?

It takes a village. Here are the key players. 1) Your Public Cloud provider of choice, we help you align with the various resources and stakeholders, staying closely aligned, with feedback loops so that the message, engagement and execution strategy are consistent. 2) Crayon orchestrates its resources at each stage of the development cycle, depending on the needs of the ISVs. This, as they go thru the technical & commercial components of their cloud journey. 3) The ISV itself by understanding that this is a project that drives mutual accountability. Allocating the time, people and know-how to complement what we do. This is how we make sure that we are engaging in good business for all the parties involved and add value together.

4. In four words, why would ISVs want to work with us?

Modernize or digitally disrupt your technology, grow at scale using the public & hybrid cloud, accelerate your business across direct & indirect models and focus on development (as the ISV’s core competency) without compromising a successful & profitable go to market.

5. Beyond initial technology needs, why would an ISV engage with Crayon? What is the value?

A relationship and trust is initially built thru the Development Centre process as the ISV works directly with our technical advisory services & commercial experts who have a vested interest in the ISV’s satisfaction and success. After this, running a business is expensive, the cost of goods sold (COGS) increases. Eventually ISVs need to make important decisions around sales & marketing resources, support functions, billing & invoicing capabilities, expertise in current licensing and a grip on cloud optimization & cost models. Crayon offers value on all of these: with its platforms and its people so that the ISV can focus on what they do best: develop the technologies that are moving the world forward.


6. What does Crayon offer as a strategic cloud aggregator and services provider?

First: a unified, state of the art platform, offered to our partners as part of the relationship with us: Cloud IQ Lifecycle Platform. It delivers on i) marketplace functions, ii) seamless provisioning, iii) billing & invoicing, iv) first line of support, and v) reports, business intelligence and dashboard analytics. All of these help the ISV ensure customer satisfaction and run a tighter business. 40% of Crayon employees are consultants who understand ISVs. We are one of a few Azure Expert MSPs able to engage on the initial requirements in modernizing solutions up to providing managed services. And, for more advanced requirements, a team of Data Scientists who specialize in Big Data, Machine Learning, IoT and Artificial Intelligence.

Our Services For You

What are some scenarios? When does an ISV benefit from Crayon’s Development Centre?

Our engagements with ISVs range from companies taking their first steps in cloud in a Dev & Test environment, all the way to ISVs looking at a strategic technology partner for their IoT and AI needs.

Here are three common outcomes ISVs benefit from partnering with Crayon. Defined scenarios where we allocate resources to embrace your Cloud Journey.








On premise to SaaS journey
Re-Platform across clouds
World-class security profiles
Multitenant architecture


Cloud Economics
Pricing a SaaS/PaaS Solution
Re-architect, Re-Size IaaS
From PAYG to a full cloud SLA


Get Azure co-sell ready / AWS ready
Benefit from MPN and AppSource
Delegate licensing to experts
Receive cloud managed services

Our Resources For You

Upon joining one of the ISV Development Centres, the following Crayon resources will be aligned to work with you:

  • Advisory Crayon funded Azure, AWS, Google L300+ services to kick start
  • CloudDesk strategists, balancing commercial & technical needs
  • Cloud Economics Consultant it’s about managing costs & profitability
  • Cloud-iQ provision, bill & invoice, support and analytics in a single platform
  • ISV BDM our orchestrators, subject matter experts guiding the cloud journey
ISV Development Centre For You

We are delighted you want to get in touch. Let us know how we can contact you back.

One of our ISV team members will email or call you shortly.

These are our growth ambassadors for ISVs. Working with you, from Singapore to the USA and from Norway to South Africa: