Cloud Economics Assessment Cost Optimization Through Cloud Governance and Reduced IT Expenses

Employees at work looking at IT cost reduction

According to Gartner, organizations that lack cost optimization processes will overspend by about 40% in the cloud.


The Crayon Cloud Economics Assessment is a customer-first and vendor-agnostic advisory approach so you can select the best solution for your needs and budget.


What Our Cloud Assessment Can Do For You

The biggest challenges many organizations experience in the cloud are the lack of cost control and optimization opportunities.

Our assessment provides organizations with ongoing cloud analytics AND governance through reports clearly demonstrating how effectively your organization is consuming and adopting cloud services. 


Crayon cloud experts use leading business intelligence technology to deliver:  

  • In-depth analysis of cloud usage to recommend cost optimization opportunities

  • Sustainable cloud governance and higher compliance

  • Risk reduction and lower IT expenses

  • Budget predictability and improvement in overall performance

Case Studies Saving Customers Money One Assessment at a Time
Contact Us for a Cloud Economics Assessment Optimize Your IT Infrastructure While Lowering Costs