Consulting Services Business Needs

Prepare the organisation for successful projects by setting the scope, constraints, and expectations for a project; create a vision, define stakeholders, validate the business context, create the statement of work and obtain approvals.

Important tasks are to obtain management commitment, validate business principles, goals, and drivers, and to define, scope, and prioritise project tasks. This includes to identify stakeholders, their concerns and objectives, and by defining business requirements and constraints.

Identify key business drivers and capabilities

How is the organisation influenced by external and internal forces, like for example new technologies, and competencies needed to perform new business processes and tasks?

Business scenarios

How do business processes and technology deliver business.

Develope baseline and target business architectures

How does technology support current and future business needs, and which technologies support the organisation's capabilities?

Develope a high level vision of the cloud capabilities and business case

Which business processes and goals can be supported by cloud solutions, and what benefits can the organisation expect to gain from clour related investments?

Evaluate the enterprise IT maturity

Secure key stakeholders' confirmation and acceptence for projects initiated to support business needs.

Obtain a mandate for SOW

Secure key stakeholders' confirmation and acceptence for projects initiated to support business needs.


What laws apply to and regulate technology domains, and what are appropriate levels of security measures to protect assets? How do these concerns apply to each fase of the framework, and how do we secure consistency among them?


What laws apply to and regulate technology domains, and what are appropriate levels of security measures to protect assets? How do these concerns apply to each fase of the framework, and how do we secure consistency among them?