Consulting Services Internet of Things

By leveraging predictive analytics and the Internet of Things, you can transform your business from a product-based model to a service-based model.

IoT Our Services
IoT How We Work

We act as a strategic consultant, analysing your brand’s current performance with the aim of optimising every step required to establish the best possible foundation for your brand(s) to succeed in the future with IoT.


  • Targeted outcome
  • ROI analyse
  • Start small, use available data


  • Sensors, controllers and actuators
  • Gateways
  • Edge security and manageability


  • Ethernet, WiFi, Cellular, ZigBee, MQTT
  • Minimise bandwidth consumption and solution latency
  • Edge/Fog Solutions


  • Tiered data aggregation
  • Cloud brokering
  • Minimise data management cost


  • Slice and dice data-sets to understand odd behavior
  • Use machine learning to detect patterns invisible for humans
  • Convert data into insights


  • Predictive models


  • Visualisation layer
  • Mobile applications
  • Tailored to specific situation
IoT Why You Should Choose Us
IoT Our Partners

We form partnerships and strategic alliances with world-class organisations to expand our service offerings and deliver comprehensive solutions to clients.

IoT Customer Stories