Managed and Subscription Services Cloud Infinity
Cloud Infinity Conquer Your Cloud Governance

Why Cloud Infinity?

Crayon has assisted hundreds of organisations globally in delivering Cloud services and we understand the challenges that internal teams face when trying to implement and maintain a set of ongoing Cloud management and governance processes.

Cloud Infinity guides organisations through the initial planning and implementation phases into a ‘business as usual’ activity that provides ongoing maintenance and optimisation.

Many of the organisations we work with have common business goals and objectives that Cloud Infinity directly addresses, including:

  • Benchmarking their current Cloud management processes
  • Implementing better governance through policies and processes
  • Gaining visibility of their current Cloud consumption
  • Effectively tagging Cloud resources
  • Understanding their current requirements and planning for future needs
  • Understanding the impact of technology deployment as it transitions from physical to virtual, or from on-premise to hosted or Cloud.
  • Mitigating the risk of unexpected/unbudgeted cost
  • Driving towards controlling costs and savings
Structured Approach Your Journey

Cloud Infinity de la Crayon adopta o abordare consultativa pentru a realiza o gestionare eficienta si completa a ciclului de viata al mediului Cloud si optimizarea platformelor Cloud ale clientilor nostri.

Cloud Infinity ofera un cadru de guvernanta structurat si este conceput pentru organizatiile care isi construiesc si mentin propriile sisteme de conformitate interna.

Programul este implementat in acord cu cele mai bune practici, ceea ce duce la optimizarea proprietatii IT a unei organizatii. 

  • Planificare
  • Implementare
  • Mentenanta
  • Optimizare

Succesul nostru rezida in ceea ce suntem capabili sa obtinem impreuna, si in faptul ca intotdeauna lucram cu si pentru clientii nostri. 

Crayon are grija de riscuri si pericole  si simplifica lucrurile permitandu-le clientilor nostru sa se concentreze asupra afacerii lor in loc sa isi faca griji privind tehnologia. 

Descarcati gratuit Cloud Infinity brochure here