Managed and Subscription Services Crayon Cloud Easy Services

Cloud Easy Driving Your Digital Transformation

Leading research organizations continuously identify that the main priorities for CIO's are to create business value and address the global skill shortage.

Crayon believe that these priorities can be aided through the Digital Transformation process.

Our Managed Services practice is distributed globally and delivers managed services worldwide covering not only Cloud Technical Managed Services, but also an extensive portfolio of services providing the critical elements required for the basis of business decisions to digitally transform and govern the environment moving forward.

Cloud Easy Services It's All About the Cloud

Through Crayon’s Digital 360 framework, our approach is to help customers transform their operations and platforms to support the requirements, operations and strategic priorities for their business today and in the future. 

Digital 360 is a framework Crayon uses to help customers understand exactly what journey they need to take. Crayon Cloud Easy is the services portfolio Crayon has developed to help operationalize each of the stages within Digital 360.

Find out more about Digital 360 by clicking here.

Crayon can help you identify the path and the business case for Digital Transformation looking at your business from a budgetary perspective and providing the architecture, security and technical assessments required to determine which workloads can be feasibly moved to the Cloud. 

Driving Your Digital Transformation

The Crayon Cloud Easy portfolio is a scalable set of services which are available globally.  Providing end to end platform transition, management and support, together with ongoing financial optimization of your platform on a quarterly basis, the Crayon Cloud Easy Services are divided into separate services that build upon each other.

Our pragmatic approach allows you to choose which elements you would like Crayon to take responsibility for and which elements you may require your own team to execute, with or without Crayon support.   

Click here to read more.

Why Crayon's Cloud Easy?

Crayon have invested heavily in industry standard accreditations to aid you through your Digital Transformation.  We are cloud-agnostic, and hold accreditations with the leading vendors including:

  • Microsoft
  • AWS
  • VMware
  • IBM
  • Citrix

An example of our commitment and investment is achieving the Azure Expert Managed Services Provider accrediation from Microsoft.

Click here to read more.