Software and Cloud Analytics Agreement Optimization

Succeed in Your Vendor Contract Negotiations From a Position of Knowledge and Strength

Crayon is a leader in the global market across all the major software publishers. Having over 400+ licensing experts who span 45 countries, gives us the unique ability to maintain global vendor relationships while supporting our customers locally.

You'll work with our licensing experts to gain a full view of your current assets, better understand contractual obligations, and plan for future investments. Through our award-winning 5-step approach, you'll realize cost savings on the technology that you use most with a contract structure that fits the growing needs of your business.

Agreement Optimization Our Trusted Approach


Phase 1

Establish a point in time review of where the software estate is based on what is owned and what is deployed.​

Phase 1 Deliverable
  • Effective Licensing Position
  • Management Report


Phase 2

Identify future plans for your software estate and business objectives.​ Establish a sustainable roadmap for new technology within the different workloads.​

Phase 2 Deliverable
  • Management report outlining the customer's technology roadmap and license consequences


Phase 3

Develop licensing scenarios based on findings of the two previous phases.​ (Scenarios cover cost modeling and ​licensing optimization.)

Phase 3 Deliverable
  • Scenario analysis comparing the total cost of ownership for different renewal options


Phase 4

Assist stakeholders as they negotiate an optimal agreement based on current and future technology needs. ​

Phase 4 Deliverable
  • Tactics and strategies to empower the customer to negotiate from a position of strength



Phase 5

Ensure that all relevant stakeholders are familiar with the new agreement structure, implementation, and associated benefits to maximize return on investment. 

Phase 5 Deliverable
  • Implementation document highlighting the current agreement structure and plan for further optimization
Customer Successes Over $97 Million in Savings in Two Years
Case Study XALT Energy

Our customer realized 26% in savings compared to their existing agreement.


Read their success story here.


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