Software Consulting License Advisory Service and IT Consulting
Software Consulting On Demand Ask the Experts

Crayon License Advisory Service connects you to a team of Software Consultants and Cloud Consultants on demand. 

Organizations benefit from:

  • Support for unlimited tickets with agreed-upon response times

  • Discount on license training: CSAM certification, ELP Training, etc.

  • Monthly check-ins with Crayon Software Experts 

  • Consulting days add-on option 


The License Advisory Service Applies to the Following Software Vendors:

  • Adobe

  • Attachmate

  • Autodesk

  • IBM

  • Micro Focus/HPE

  • Microsoft

  • Quest Software

  • Red Hat 

Software Consulting And Asset Management EA Renewals

Is your Microsoft EA renewal date approaching? If so,then it’s a good time to take a look at the software you’re buying and how it is consumed.

Some things you should consider include.... 

  • Is your current licensing model a best fit for your actual business objectives, IT strategy, and budget expectations?
  • Is your software licensing optimized to maximize entitlements usage and compliance?
  • Is your licensing consistent with your cloud strategy?

Crayon is one of Microsoft’s leading volume licensing resellers, but we don’t operate like traditional resellers. At Crayon, we leverage our expertise in software asset management (SAM) and cloud consulting services to ensure that our clients software estate is optimized so that you buy only the software that you need and actually use. This improves compliance, reduces audit exposure and lowers software spend.

Contact Crayon Today.