Begin Your Software Compliance Journey Microsoft Baseline



The first step to software compliance is to see exactly what is entitled and deployed. A baseline engagement will provide you immediate visibility into your software estate and give you access to a team of experts to understand your current compliance state.

Microsoft Baseline Deliverables Your software compliance basics

Deliverables from your Microsoft Baseline Engagement:  


Entitlements – Crayon will analyze license reports and help the organization understand what software your organization is entitled to deploy


Deployments – Crayon will perform a review of installed products to give you visibility around how licenses are deployed across the entire organization 


Reporting – Crayon will develop an Effective License Position (ELP) comparing entitlements and deployments, uncovering opportunities for improvement


Gap Analysis – Crayon will analyze current organizational practices relative to the organization’s desired future software and cloud state, surfacing gaps between the two


Risk Assessment – Crayon will demonstrate risks to the organization in order to assist in reducing the software footprint through rationalization and consolidation, lowering the risk and cost of software license audits, identifying security and cyber threats, upholding reputation, anticipating future needs, and improving overall business performance


Why Crayon? Auditor-Level Scripts

Our team of experts takes audit defense head-on. The baseline identifies compliance/noncompliance risk so you can be confident and compliant with the terms and conditions of the Microsoft licensing agreement.

We run scripts to pull data regarding active devices and what is deployed on those devices. We can leverage any tools you have now, (Snow, Flexera, etc.) or we can use our own scripts.

Crayon scripts are created by auditors who formerly worked as auditors for KPMG, Deloitte, and other auditing firms. Our talented team knows exactly what to look for in an audit and we pull complete and accurate data. Contact Crayon today if you have additional questions on audit support. 



Next steps in your software compliance journey:


Office 365 Rightsize

A Microsoft Baseline identifies immediate savings. Do you want to take it a step further and see what software you are actually using based on conusmption? Then Office 365 Righstize is your next step. A Rightsize assessment will find true business value in your technology investment and evaluate if you are gaining the most value you could be. 


Agreement Optimization

Protect your technology investment with Agreement Optimization. Crayon will help you understand what your future options are in terms of licensing. Once we know what the current state looks like, we can help roadmap a plan for the next three years. If you need help with a roadmap and/or contract negotiations Agreement Optimization is for you. Gartner suggests that organizations can cut spending on software by as much as 30% by implementing software license optimization best practices. 


License Advisory Service

Crayon is on your side and always here to answer your questions. License Advisory Service gives you on-demand access to our team of experts. We have Software and Cloud Analytics and Cloud Consultants readily available. With agreed upon response times, it's time for you Ask The Experts.