Amazon Web Services AWS Well-Architected Review

Adopting the cloud using AWS best practices

The adoption of cloud services covers a wide range of topics from technical skills to operational processes. When deploying your applications to the AWS cloud you want to ensure that your solution is secure, running at peak performance, and backed by operational excellence.

Managing all of this by yourself can be a daunting task, and this is where Crayon's expertise can help. Using the AWS Well-Architected Framework we will perform a Well-Architected review to identify areas of improvement within your chosen AWS environment.

Do you qualify for a Well-Architected Review?

Everyone can qualify for a Well-Architected Review and it’s free of cost. We can do a review of either the cloud environment or an on-premises environment. If we reach an agreement to do a remediation plan after the review, you qualify for up to 25 hours of services to be delivered by a Crayon consultant.

Why Crayon?

Crayon is uniquely positioned to drive innovative solutions for our customers, by reducing costs and minimizing risks. At Crayon the customer is at the center of everything that we do, our goal is to help our customers serve their own customers better. We have a global presence and top-class multi-cloud expertise. We are also one of few partners that have the AWS Well-Architected status and can deliver this review.

How do I get started?

There is no limit to how many Well-Architected reviews you can do, and it’s recommended to re-visit the workload once in three to six months.

1. Schedule and Prepare

To schedule, simply fill out the contact form and we’ll reach out to you and collect a little info and get a call set up to walk you through all the Well-Architected Review program details and steps.

2. Review and Plan Remediation

Next we will schedule two to four hours to complete the review. This is the part where we ask you questions about your critical workload(s).

We’ll take all your answers and compile a detailed report of where your architecture is Well-Architected, needs improvement, or where critical remediation is recommended. This normally takes us few days to analyze your answers and pull together a detailed report.

Well-Architected review touches 5 areas and its important all parties are involved to get best out of review meeting and recommend future path.


Following roles are typically involved in the process:

i. DevOps Engineer
ii. Developer
iii. Security Engineer
iv. DBA
v. Support 
vi. Infrastructure Engineer


In order to complete this step we will need: 
- Access to existing documentation or architecture diagrams of workload.
- Read only access to AWS account and access to Well-Architected tool in AWS console.

3. Implement Priorities

Along with the detailed report, we will also present you with a comprehensive plan to remediate any critical items identified.

Some of these items may be simple and you want to resolve them yourself, while other items may be more complicated, and/or you don’t have the staff capacity to resolve these issues yourself.

4. Review Results and up to 25 hours of Crayon consultancy

Up to this point, all of this if completely free. If you decide to partner with us and have us remediate these critical issues we can, as a cerfied WAR AWS partner, apply to get funding for 25 hours of services to make improvements and changes based on the remediation plan.

We are considering partially or fully reviewing our AWS set-up. What is a Well-Architected Review? And, you’re saying that the review is based on AWS architecture best practices. Would you also please provide me with more information about the actual framework?

The AWS Well-Architected Review consists of a workshop where a set of questions covering 5 pillars will be asked and a pdf report will be generated at the end.

The purpose of the review is to understand the state of your workload and compare your set-up to the latest best practices in AWS architecture.

The Well-Architected Framework is based on 5 pillars: operational excellence, security, reliability, performance efficiency, and cost.

The Framework will help to identify areas of low, medium, and high risk in each pillar based on best practice.

Free of charge, what’s the catch?

There is no catch! The review is totally FREE of charge. If we discover a number of high-risk issues that need to be addressed, you are free to do deal with these yourself, take them up with your current IT vendor or you can talk to us at Crayon and we will make you an offer.

If you partner with Crayon to solve high-risk issues, you will be able to get 25 hours with a Crayon consultant for a fixed fee of $5k. You will also get AWS credits worth $5k through Crayon – so in total, you won’t have any expenses.


How long does a Well-Architected Review take?

A Well-Architected Review meeting usually takes 2–4 hours. A follow-up meeting will be required to discuss the result and recommendations.


Based on the Well-Architected Framework, when should a review of our AWS environment take place?

A Review can be done at any time in your AWS environment even if your application is not rolled out to production.


What is the result of a Well-Architected Review, and what measures can be implemented as a result of the Review?

Crayon provides a two-step follow-up after the review has been made:

  • STEP 1: Review of the report based on the Well-Architected Framework (Demo)

  • STEP 2: Correct significant errors and missing links based on the AWS report with assistance from Crayon (up to 25 hours of free assistance)



Who needs to get involved in the Review at our end?

A Well-Architected Review touches on five areas and it is therefore important that all parts of the business are involved to get the most out of the review meeting and recommended future path.

The following roles may be involved in the process;

  • DevOps Engineer

  • Developer

  • Security Engineer

  • DBA

  • Support

  • Infrastructure Engineer



Are there any prerequisites or anything I need to prepare?

We will ask you about your AWS environment, including;

  • Access to existing documentation or architecture diagrams of workload.

  • Read-only access to AWS account and access to the Well-Architected tool in your AWS console. Crayon will provide an IAM template to allow us to securely review your AWS workloads.



How many Well-Architected Reviews should/can I do?

There is no limit on how many Well-Architected Reviews you can do. However, we recommend you re-visit the workload once every 3–6 months.


I understand that not everyone is licensed to execute a Well-Architected Review?

That’s correct. Out of 8000 partners globally, Crayon is one of 184 partners who can conduct a Well-Architected Review.

There are very high requirements to be licensed under the AWS Well-Architected Framework.


How do I book a review or get more information before I decide?

Please fill out the contact form and we will reach out to you.